Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Makaila playing video

Here is the video I promised of Makaila playing "on her own" with only a little interaction from us - at least compared to what has been required up to this point. Today she continued to be in a good mood and it was a really nice day. Until now that is, I just put her in the crib and she is having a fit. Oh well.... It can't all be easy :). Sorry if the quality isn't great, I had to lower it to be able to upload the video.

Love, Dennis, Lisa and Makaila


  1. OMG I love it. Thank you Dennis for Video taping that it was the best movie I have seen in years. I cannot wait to meet her. Let her know her "whole" New York family is coming for her birthday. Presents for Makaila HURRAY!!! Love you guys. Makaila, Aunt Donna can't wait to give you big hugs and kisses XOXOXO.

  2. She is just awesome! Just a few more days and you get to come home! Makaila is going to LOVE her room and she gets to meet her other family member Callie!

  3. awww you need to get her a piano, and violin, and trumpet - she definitely loves music :) I love the smiles, giggles, and dimples!!! It is so funny how she focuses on tags - mine all did that too. She definitely knows how to get attention! What time was it taken? That is defintely the happy time:) I Love Her! I've watched the video over and over.
    Give her kisses - my teeth hurt.

  4. I LOVE the giggles!!!!Just too cute. It's great that she can entertain herself like that.
    Oh, and Dennis I LOVE your singing.
    Love you all!!
    Aunt Krissy xoxoxoxo

  5. The video is awesome. I remember Katie sitting for hours in her playpen playing with toys and books. She loved books, especially the kind where you press a button and it plays music. They love the pictures and love being read to over and over and over. Lisa, I heard Dennis singing the nursery rhymes. Girl, you better brush up on those nursery rhymes or I'ma gonna let Humpty Dumpty at you. Can't wait until you get home. She is so adorable. Tickle her tummy for me.

  6. Can't believe how absolutely beautiful she is! We love her little dimple! So very happy for the three...oops four of you ...can't forget Callie! This blog is wonderful!

  7. Love Love Love the video she is just tooooo cute.....I sit with my cup of coffee and just watch her play... When I see her on skype she just amazes me, Makaila is going to learn things very quick look what you have done with her in just 11days. Saturday morning just can't come soon enough for us.
    Love and Kisses Mommy xoxoxoxo

  8. She is so cute in this video and has such a wholesome laugh!
