Thursday, March 4, 2010

3rd UPDATE to Rumors

OK, I am not jumping the gun here but I will say I am DEFINITELY feeling the excitement now. The following was posted on RQ's site as a prediction of what she feels will happen for next months referrals (this information was JUST posted this morning):
She predicts that they will match up to, and including, APRIL 20TH, 2006!!!! If that is the case then we would be included within that batch of referrals.

Of course, when Dennis reads it he continues to tell me not to get my hopes up as he really feels that we will be receiving a referral in May/June timeframe.

Sorry, but when I see us ACTUALLY being included in a batch of referrals for THE VERY FIRST TIME... I can't help but to get excited.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

With love,
Dennis, Lisa and Callie


  1. That is fantastic news, Lisa. I am continuing to pray for you and Dennis!

  2. Well I hope you are right Lisa and you and Dennis are in the next batch of referrals, I am praying and keeping my fingers crossed also. Lots of Love Mommy

  3. Hi Lisa! I've been thinking of you and remembering how excited I was when I was THIS CLOSE to referral! How far hav they referred now? I'm soo excited for you! Can't wait to follow you on your journey to your little one!
