Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year... The Year of the Rabbit

We celebrated (a little) Chinese New Year on February 3, 2011.  I picked up Makaila Mei at Day Care and we headed over to China Village.  Our favorite Chinese restaurant close to home.  The owner of the restaurant knows us very well as we have been going there for many years now.  She could not wait to see Makaila again and had asked for us to bring her by on Chinese New Year as she had a gift for her.  We walked in the door and everybody (of course :-), proud mommy) just went... awwwwww.  Yes, she is quite precious if I say so myself :-0!!!!

Makaila had some white rice, fried rice, broccoli and chicken and cheerios and then she had her very first fortune cookie.  She LOVED it!!!  Here are a couple of pictures I took with my phone so they aren't the best but at least it is something...I left my camera at home :-(

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!!!  We do plan on having our traditional (just started last year) Chinese New Year party but it will be delayed this year.

Hugs and Kisses,
Dennis, Lisa, Makaila Mei and Callie

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!!

It has been a long time since we have posted anything on our blog.  Our goal was to post pictures/new post once a month... I guess that didn't work for us.  Sooooo, with the New Year, we figured we would try again.  If not once a month, at least every other month.  Since really all anyone wants to see are pictures... that's what I'll do now.  It's hard to choose a few pictures of Makaila as I LOVE every single one of them that is taken.